lightning conductors

美 [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ kənˈdʌktərz]英 [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ kənˈdʌktəz]
  • n.避雷针
  • lightning conductor的复数
lightning conductorslightning conductors

lightning conductors


  • 1
    N-COUNT 避雷针
    A lightning conductor is a long thin piece of metal on top of a building that attracts lightning and allows it to reach the ground safely.

  1. Foreign exchange markets are important lightning conductors of global shocks , this time deflation & but central banks acting alone have rarely provided stability .


  2. The Effects and Protection Area of Lightning Eliminating Conductors


  3. The Magnetic Field Distribution in Buildings with Separate Lightning Down Conductors during a Direct Lightning Stroke
